769 H UM A N IM M UNOD EFIC IEN CY VIRU S TY PE 1 (HIV-1) can be classified in two major groups, M (main) and O (outlier), although the emergence of a new cluster of equidistant isolates, termed group N, has been reported. 1 Whereas group M can be subdivided into 10 different subtypes (A±J), a possible distinction of clades within group O has been limited by the sequence information available in the current database. A subtype A-O has been proposed for a group of 11 HIV-1 group O isolates (ANT70, BCF01, BCF02, BCF03, BCF07, BCF08, BCF13, ESP1, ESP2, ESP3, and ESP4) on the basis of sequences belonging to the reverse transcriptase gene, whereas the other isolates analyzed (MVP5180, VAU, RUD, BCF06, and BCF11) did not form a defined cluster. Since its first description in 1990, HIV-1 group O infection has been reported in West Africa, Europe, and the United States, almost exclusively in native Cameroonians and their contacts. In this sequence note we describe env gene sequences corresponding to the C2V3-coding region of gp120 and to the immunodominant region of gp41. The sequences belong to four HIV-1 group O-infected patients identified in Spain up to November 1998. The sequences and a phylogenetic tree derived from all available sequences of these genomic regions support the existence of a defined subtype, termed A-O, within this highly heterogeneous group of viruses. Isolates ESP1, ESP2, ESP3, and ESP4 were obtained from patients at Hospital Carlos III in Madrid, Spain. ESP1 and ESP2 are from a heterosexual couple diagnosed with HIV-1 infection in 1995. ESP3 and ESP4 are from a 48-year-old man and a vertically infected 14-year-old boy, respectively, who were diagnosed with HIV-1 group O infection in 1997. Their main clinical and epidemiologica l features have been described elsewhere, and are summarized in Table 1. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were collected from these individuals using standard protocols. Proviral DNA was obtained from cryopreserved PBMCs (1-10 3 10 cells) by proteinase K digestion, phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation. DNA amplification of the C2V3-coding region of the env gene was carried out using a nested-PCR strategy as previously described. The gp41 immunodom inant coding region was amplified by nested PCR using two sets of primer pairs. The outer primers were gp41A (5 9 -CAACT ACAAA GTAGT AAGGG3 9 ), and gp41B (5 9 -CTACT AGTGC TCCTA CTATG-3 9 ), whose 5 9 -ends correspond to positions 7718 and 8352, respectively, according to the ANT70 isolate (GenBank accession number L20587). The inner primers were gp41C (5 9 -CAGTA GGATT GGGAA TGCTA-3 9 ), and gp41D (5 9 -CCATT TAGTT ATGTC AAGCC-3 9 ), whose 5 9 -ends correspond to positions 7813 and 8306, respectively, according to the ANT70 isolate. Consensus nucleotide sequences between positions 6849 and 7253, and 7814 and 8267 (numbering according to the HIV-1 ANT70 isolate), which correspond to the C2V3-coding and gp41-imm unodom inant regions, respectively, were determined as previously described. 11 Nucleotide sequences were compiled and translated by SEQED and TRANSLATE programs from the GCG package. 13 Multiple sequence alignments were carried out using the CLUSTALW program, 14 and sequence and phylogenetic analyses were performed using the PHYLIP software package version 3.5. Nucleotide sequence data from the C2V3-coding region and the gp41 immunodominant region reported in this sequence note have been deposited in the GenBank nucleotide sequence database (accession numbers AF081811 to AF081817). We have compared the sequences encoding the immunodominant region of gp41 determ ined for isolates ESP1, ESP2, ESP3, and ESP4 with sequences of the corresponding region of other representative HIV-1 group O isolates available in the current database. The comparison included isolates ANT70, MVP5180, VAU, vi686, and DUR (GenBank accession num-
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