Previous articleNext article No AccessEnglish Fluency of Recent Hispanic Immigrants to the United States in 1980 and 1990Alberto Davila and Marie T. MoraAlberto DavilaUniversity of Texas—Pan American Search for more articles by this author and Marie T. MoraNew Mexico State University Search for more articles by this author University of Texas—Pan AmericanNew Mexico State UniversityPDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Economic Development and Cultural Change Volume 48, Number 2January 2000 Article DOI Views: 37Total views on this site Citations: 12Citations are reported from Crossref © 2000 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Joyce M. Northwood, Sherrie L.W. Rhine , Journal of Consumer Affairs 52, no.22 ( 2018): 317. S. Kulkarni, Xiaohan Hu English Language Proficiency among the Foreign Born in the United States, 1980–2007: Duration, Age, Cohort Effects , International Migration Review 48, no.33 (Jul 2018): 762–800. Redstone Akresh, Douglas S. Massey, Reanne Frank Beyond English proficiency: Rethinking immigrant integration, Social Science Research 45 (May 2014): 200–210. Arbel, Danny Ben-Shahar, Yossef Tobol The Correlation among Immigrant Homeownership, Objective and Subjective Characteristics, and Civic Participation: New Evidence from the Israeli Experience, Urban Studies 49, no.1111 (Dec 2011): 2479–2499. Redstone Akresh, Reanne Frank At the intersection of self and other: English language ability and immigrant labor market outcomes, Social Science Research 40, no.55 (Sep 2011): 1362–1370. McCarthy Spoken fluency revisited, English Profile Journal 1 (Sep 2010). W. Schrauf English Use Among Older Bilingual Immigrants in Linguistically Concentrated Neighborhoods: Social Proficiency and Internal Speech as Intracultural Variation, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 24, no.22 (Jan 2009): 157–179. R. Haurin, Stuart S. Rosenthal Language, Agglomeration and Hispanic Homeownership, Real Estate Economics 37, no.22 (Jun 2009): 155–183. Redstone Akresh Contexts of English Language Use among Immigrants to the United States, International Migration Review 41, no.44 (Dec 2007): 930–955. P Mora, Marie T Mora, Alberto Dávila The English-Language Proficiency of Recent Immigrants in The U.S. During the Early 1900s, Eastern Economic Journal 33, no.11 (Jan 2007): 65–80. T. Mora, Alberto Dávila Hispanic Ethnicity, Gender, and the Change in the LEP-Earnings Penalty in the United States During the 1990s, Social Science Quarterly 87, no.s1s1 (Dec 2006): 1295–1318. T. Mora English-Language Assistance Programs, English-Skill Acquisition, and the Academic Progress of High School Language Minority Students, Policy Studies Journal 28, no.44 (Nov 2000): 721–738.
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