An optical emission spectroscopic (OES) and imaging characterization is conducted on N2 plasmas generated by a 100 keV fast-pulsed electron beam. The electron beams are injected into an N2 gas filled volume with a current of 4.5 kA (300 A/cm2) and a 100 ns pulse width. The characterization is conducted at the pressures, 1 Torr and 0.1 Torr, corresponding to two distinct regimes that exhibit significantly different plasma dynamics. Beam impact ionization is shown to be a primary mechanism for producing low temperature plasmas at 1 Torr during beam output. After beam termination, ionization by an inductive electric field becomes the primary mechanism for plasma formation later in time for both pressures. OES and plasma imaging are used in this work as a diagnostic tool to track the distribution of electronic, vibrational, and rotational state transitions and ionized species. This is achieved with the use of a multi-resolution suite of spectrometers capable of acquiring time-resolved spectra. Vibrational and rotational bands of the N2 second positive system (C3Πu→B3Πg) and the N2+ first negative system (B2Σu+→X2Σg+) are identified in both regimes as well as N+ states exclusively in the lower pressure regime. Vibrational and rotational spectra are shown to track the evolution of the time-varying plasma current. Plasma imaging also reveals spatially nonuniform plasma emission at 0.1 Torr. A few hundred shots are recorded to fully characterize the emissions, and results are shown to be highly reproducible (≤±1% with 2σ confidence).
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