In a recent paper Mighell, Himes & Rodgers [Acta Cryst. (1983), A39, 737-740] reported the space-group frequency for nearly 30 000 organic compounds in the NBS Crystal Data Identification File [(1982). JCPDS, Swarthmore, PA]. When the frequencies tabulated by Mighell et al. for those space groups that do not contain any operations of the second kind are revised somewhat different results are obtained. (Numbers given by Mighell et al. are given in parentheses.): 75% (75%) of compounds fall into only five space groups: P21/c, 29.2% (36.0%), P212121, 18.8% (11.6%), P\bar 1, 11.1% (13.7%), P21, 10.9% (6.7%) and C2/c, 5.4% (6.6%); 12(16) space groups account for 87% (90%) of the compounds.