Grain size distributions of sediment samples from the Maurice Ewing Bank (MEB) were utilized to identify styles of sediment transport and to estimate current speeds within the benthic boundary layer. These data allow for examination of the relationship between sedimentation on the bank and circumpolar currents. Causal relationships between glacial episodes, current intensification, and bottom current scour were previously postulated. The intent of this study was to test the validity of these suggested relationships. Modern sediment distribution on the MEB is controlled by water column winnowing, bottom currents, and variations in the flux of ice-rafted detritus and biogenic material, and is modified by mass-flow processes. Indirect determinations of current speeds, using well established curves relating current velocity to sediment transport, suggest uniform, near-bottom current speeds of approximately 6–15 cm s −1 over the bank. This velocity range is considered relative, not absolute. Nonetheless, these moderate velocities are supported by geostrophic velocity calculations. Grain size distributions of down-core samples from Plio-Pleistocene sandy units were examined in order to investigate the history of bottom current flow over the bank during this time. The lack of significant variability of grain size distributions down-core indicates that no major fluctuations in circumpolar current intensification have occurred since Plio-Pleistocene time, and, therefore, argue against a causal relationship between glacial conditions and deep-sea (geostrophic) current intensification. In addition, mass movement, mainly in the form of debris flows and turbidites, has resulted in interruptions in the sedimentary record, which in some cases could have been misinterpreted as unconformities. Our scenario for sedimentation over the bank differs from previous ones in that it calls for less dramatic variations in bottom current speeds during Pliocene—Holocene time.
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