Ž . 2 2 Ž . Let F s, t s X s q 2 X st q X t 1 F i F 3 be a collection of bii i0 i1 i2 nary quadratic forms with indeterminate coefficients over a field k and let w x R s k X . The aim of this paper is to compute the cohomoi, j 1F iF 3, 0 F jF 2 logical dimension of the ideal I ; R generated by the following Sylvester Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . resultants: Res F , F , Res F , F , Res F , F , and Res F q F , F . 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 The closed points of the affine variety defined by I correspond to coefficients of the three forms having a common zero. Thus, in the w x Ž terminology of L1 , I is a resultant system for F , F , and F compare 1 2 3 w x. with Theorem 1.b in L1 . In general, if F , . . . , F are binary forms of 1 s degrees d G d G ??? G d , one can show that a resultant system is 1 2 s s Ž . Ž w x. generated by at least 1 q Ý 1 q d elements Theorem 1 in L1 and ts3 t one would like to know if this lower bound is sharp. In our case, where s s 3 and d s d s d s 2, the question is whether 1 2 3 4Ž . I can be generated by three elements. This would imply that H R s 0 I and this is the motivation behind the main result of this paper. 4Ž . It turns out that it is possible to show that H R s 0 working in the I Ž . subring of joint invariants of G s GL 2, k acting on R via change of Ž . variables in s, t . This calculation is based on some recent results by Lyubeznik on F-modules, which include an algorithm for deciding whether local cohomology modules over regular rings of prime characteristic p vanish. To the best of the author’s knowledge, Theorem 9 in this paper is the first application of this algorithm. Yan has recently produced a 4Ž . w x topological argument showing that H R vanishes in characteristic 0 Y . I
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