The diffraction by the head and pinna of sound incident upon the ear has been well documented. However, the modification of head diffraction patterns by the placement of hearing protectors in, or over, the ears has not been investigated. Polar sensitivity plots were obtained in an anechoic sound field from the right ear of the Knowles Electronics Mannequin for Acoustic Research (KEMAR). Test frequencies ranged from 100–10 000 Hz in steps of 1/3 octave. Plots were obtained in the horizontal plane for three conditions: (1) ear open; (2) ear occluded with a malleable foam‐type ear plug; and (3) ear covered by a conventional ear muff. Polar data were converted to field‐to‐drum transfer functions for every 45° change in angle of signal incidence for each condition. The diffuse‐field ear‐open transfer functions will be compared to previously published functions for KEMAR. The effects of ear occlusion with muffs, caps, and plugs as seen by attenuation and canal resonance shift will be discussed.
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