Safety assessment of fast reactors involves analyzing Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accidents (HCDA) that could result in reactor core disassembly. HCDA is generally analyzed in three distinct phases that include pre-disassembly, disassembly and post-disassembly phases. In the present work, a new coupled neutronics-hydrodynamics computer code called FAst Reactor DISassembly (FARDIS-1) is developed in 2-D cylindrical coordinate geometry to model the super-prompt critical power excursion during the disassembly phase of HCDA in a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). The modelling approach followed is essentially similar to the one used in VENUS-II code but with a few improvements. The code is benchmarked against the predictions of VENUS-II for a sample case of HCDA in the FFTF reactor model. This is followed by an analysis of the disassembly phase in a medium-sized (500 MWe) mixed oxide fuelled fast reactor. Two cases are assumed at the beginning of the disassembly phase: a sodium voided core (conservative) and a partially voided core (realistic) and the influence of several core neutronics parameters on the transients is elucidated through parametric studies. The peak power, thermal energy release, peak pressure, maximum temperature and work-potential are estimated and their trends are discussed.
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