In the conventional linear-quadratic model of single-dose response, the alpha and beta terms reflect lethal damage created during the delivery of a dose, from two different presumed molecular processes, one linear with dose, the other quadratic. With the conventional one-fraction-per-day (or less) regimens, the sublethal damage (SLD), presumably repairing exponentially over time, is essentially completely fixed by the time of the next dose of radiation. If this assumption is true, the effects of subsequent fractions of radiation should be independent, that is, there should be little, if any, reversible damage left from previous fractions, at the time of the next dose. For multiple daily fractions, or for the limiting case, continuous radiation, this simplification may overlook damaged cells that have had insufficient time for repair. A generalized method is presented for accounting for extra lethal damage (ELD) arising from such residual SLD for hyperfractionation and continuous irradiation schemes. It may help to predict differences in toxicity and tumor control, if any, obtained with "unconventional" treatment regimens. A key element in the present model is the finite size and the dynamic character of the pool of sublethal damage. Besides creating the usual linear and quadratic components of lethal damage, each new fraction converts a certain fraction of the existing SLD into ELD, and creates some new SLD. The expressions developed by Thames [Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 47, 319-339 (1987)] for fractionated treatment (the IR model) and by Dale [Br. J. Radiol. 58, 515-528 (1985); 59, 919-927 (1986)] for protracted and fractionated treatment are found to be similar to our results in the limiting case where the pool of SLD is very large (infinite).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)