We consider discrete one-dimensional Schrödinger operators whose potentials are generated by sampling along the orbits of a general hyperbolic transformation. Specifically, we show that if the sampling function is a non-constant Hölder continuous function defined on a subshift of finite type with a fully supported ergodic measure admitting a local product structure and a fixed point, then the Lyapunov exponent is positive away from a discrete set of energies. Moreover, for sampling functions in a residual subset of the space of Hölder continuous functions, the Lyapunov exponent is positive everywhere. If we consider locally constant or globally fiber bunched sampling functions, then the Lyapuonv exponent is positive away from a finite set. Moreover, for sampling functions in an open and dense subset of the space in question, the Lyapunov exponent is uniformly positive. Our results can be applied to any subshift of finite type with ergodic measures that are equilibrium states of Hölder continuous potentials. In particular, we apply our results to Schrödinger operators defined over expanding maps on the unit circle, hyperbolic automorphisms of a finite-dimensional torus, and Markov chains.
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