With the aid of the Spckkei absorptiometer the colonmetnc delerminations, of nickel (with dimethylglyoxime), chromium (with diphenylcarbazide) and manganese (after oxidation with periodate) in steel were critically sinveyed The following factors were examined. wave length of the light, concentration of the reagents, stability of the coloured solution, temperature, influence of excess non, relation of extinetion coefficient and concentration of the coloured solution, influence of Mo, V, W, Ti, Al, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mn, P and Si. For each determination a recommended procedure is given, with the results of control analyses. The recommended procedures are rapid. They can be used with steels of widely differing composition. The methods are accurate within 5% of the actual Value. 1. Nickle After neutrahsing the solution 5 ml (01 more) of concentrared ammonia (0.95) must be added. The temperature of the solution must be kept below 30° C before adding the dimethylglyoxime. The extinction coefficient is determined with light of 520 m/gm 2. Chromium The chromium is oxidised with hydrogen peroxide in alkaline solution. The influence of iron is ehminated by the addition of phosphoric acid. The recommended acidity is o.2 n, the quantily of diphenylcarbazide is 2 ml of a 1%'s solution in aceton. The determinations are made with a mercury lamp and filter (546 m/gm) 3. Manganese The solution of the sampie is boiled with ammoniumpersulphate and then oxidised with 300–500 mg of potassium periodate. The recommended acidity is 2 n, using a mixture of equal parts of sulphuric and phosphoric acids. The determinations are made with light of 520 m/gm.