Data from pumping tests is a noisy process, and therefore, performing the pumping test numerous times will not get the same drawdown values. As a consequence, various pumping experiments lead to different values for aquifer parameter estimates. The data of pumping tests are usually analyzed using traditional methods (aquifer tests and AQtesolv software), which depend on trial and error technique. During these methods, non-unique values of hydraulic parameters are selected, which usually have a high level of uncertainty. Uncertainty must be taken into account in determining aquifer parameters, especially when using groundwater models for decision makers. The main goal of this study is to build a comprehensive tool for quantifying uncertainty associated with hydraulic parameter estimation from different pumping test conditions for fully penetrating wells in confined and semi-confined aquifers. To achieve the previous objective, a FORTRAN code was developed to apply the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm using different likelihood functions (exponential, inverse, and log). This developed tool can be used to detect the most probable range of aquifer parameters that are consistent with pumping test data with a high degree of confidence. The tool was successfully used to several hypothetical cases to demonstrate the uncertainty in the quantification of aquifer parameters and compare the findings to the standard method's results. Also, the concept was verified numerically (using Modflow program) with satisfactory results using a hypothetical case with well-known aquifer parameters. Finally, the tool was applied for actual pumping test data with good results.
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