The silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diode (SBD) detector in a SiC hybrid photomultiplier tube (HPMT) generates signals by receiving photocathode electrons with an energy of 10 keV. So, the performance of the SiC SBD under electron irradiation with an energy of 10 keV has an important significance for the application of the SiC-HPMT. However, studies on 10 keV radiation effects on the SiC SBDs were rarely reported. In this paper, the performance degradation of the SiC SBDs irradiated by 10 keV electrons at different fluences was investigated. After the irradiation, the forward current of the SiC SBDs increased, and the turn-on voltage decreased with the irradiation fluences until 1.6 × 1016 cm-2. According to the capacitance-voltage (C-V) curves, the effective doping concentration increased slightly after the irradiation, and an obvious discrepancy of C-V curves occurred below 5 V. Moreover, as a radiation detector, the peak position of the α-particles' amplitude spectrum changed slightly, and the energy resolution was also slightly reduced after the irradiation due to the high collection charge efficiency (CCE) still being larger than 99.5%. In addition, the time response of the SiC SBD to the 50 ns pulsed X-ray was almost not affected by the irradiation. The results indicated that the performance degradation of the SiC SBD irradiated at the fluence of 1.5 × 1017 cm-2 would not result in a deterioration of the properties of the SiC-HPMT and showed an important significance for the supplement of the radiation resistance of the SiC SBD radiation detector.
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