Typical hybrid microcircuits (HMC's) manufactured at the Bendix Corporation, Kansas City, MO, contain 100 beam lead devices and gold ribbon crossovers. Verification for the presence of these applique components historically has been done manually by comparing a visual aid to the HMC. All HMC's were verified visually, a process requiring 4-5 min/HMC. Approximately 12 percent of the defects were missed. A system has been developed for automatically verifying the presence of beam lead devices and ribbon crossovers. The component verification system (CVS) includes a minicomputercontrolled X-Y stage which indexes the HMC below a vidicon camera. The camera is interfaced to the computer through a video digitizer. Bendix-developed software uses the equipment capabilities to magnify and project a 5.l-mm2 area onto a 177.8-mm2screen with the image data points addressable in a 512 by 480 line matrix. The image analysis software determines component presence based on data point brightness. The CVS can verify beam lead device and crossover presences on a typical. HMC in fewer than 30 s. The part identification of any missing part is printed as an aid to rework. The CVS has reduced the time needed for component verification and has improved verification accuracy.