Human salivary statherin was purified from parotid saliva and adsorbed to bare hydrophilic (HP) mica and STAI-coated hydrophobic (HB) mica in a series of Surface Force Balance experiments that measured the normal (F n) and friction forces (F s*) between statherin-coated mica substrata. Readings were taken both in the presence of statherin solution (HP and HB mica) and after rinsing (HP mica). F n measurements showed, for both substrata, monotonic steric repulsion that set on at a surface separation D ∼ 20 nm, indicating an adsorbed layer whose unperturbed thickness was ca 10 nm. An additional longer-ranged repulsion, probably of electrostatic double-layer origin, was observed for rinsed surfaces under pure water. Under applied pressures of ∼ 1 MPa, each surface layer was compressed to a thickness of ca 2 nm on both types of substratum, comparable with earlier estimates of the size of the statherin molecule. Friction measurements, in contrast with F n observations, were markedly different on the two different substrata: friction coefficients, μ ≡ ∂F s*/∂F n, on the HB substratum (μ ≈ 0.88) were almost an order of magnitude higher than on the HP substratum (μ ≈ 0.09 and 0.12 for unrinsed and rinsed, respectively), and on the HB mica there was a lower dependence of friction on sliding speed than on the HP mica. The observations were attributed to statherin adsorbing to the mica in multimer aggregates, with internal re-arrangement of the protein molecules within the aggregate dependent on the substratum to which the aggregate adsorbed. This internal re-arrangement permitted aggregates to be of similar size on HP and HB mica but to have different internal molecular orientations, thus exposing different moieties to the solution in each case and accounting for the very different friction behaviour.