Abstract Background Reducing the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is dependent on both the magnitude and cumulative duration of LDL-C lowering. However, in clinical practice achieving treatment goals is often hampered by low adherence to standard of care. Although PCSK9 inhibitors represent an effective option for LDL-C lowering, they require chronic life-long treatment. Epigenetic editing is a new therapeutic approach designed to durably silence genes by leveraging nature’s endogenous cellular mechanism for gene regulation via CpG methylation without the inherent genotoxic risks of genome editing approaches that nick or cut the DNA. We are developing a PCSK9 epigenetic editor (PCSK9-EE) to durably silence PCSK9, with the promise of lifelong reduction in LDL-C. Methods Here, we describe the development of an epigenetic editor targeting human PCSK9. This epigenetic editor consists of a DNA targeting component fused to a transcriptional repressor domain and a DNA methyltransferase domain. PCSK9-EE was first screened and evaluated for specificity and efficacy in primary human hepatocytes (PHH). In vivo efficacy and durability were then evaluated in a transgenic mouse carrying the human PCSK9 genomic locus (hPCSK9-Tg mouse) and non-human primates (NHP). Results Our initial screen of PCSK9-EEs identified several hits that efficiently suppressed secreted PCSK9 levels in immortalized liver cells. We confirmed that our top PCSK9-EE candidates robustly decreased PCSK9 secretion in PHH and were found to be highly specific at targeting PCSK9 as assessed by RNA-seq, methylation array, and whole-genome methylation sequencing. To examine in vivo activity, we treated hPCSK9-Tg mice with a single administration of a lipid nanoparticle delivering mRNA encoding our PCSK9-EE and observed >97% reduction in liver PCSK9 mRNA, and >98% reduction in plasma PCSK9 for the duration of the study (one year). We then delivered PCSK9-EE in NHP and observed a robust reduction in plasma PCSK9 with a concomitant reduction in LDL-C. These effects were found to be durable for at least 6 months following a single administration of PCSK9-EE in NHP. To establish a mechanistic relationship between PCSK9-EE’s molecular action and durable PCSK9 silencing, we performed serial liver biopsies in each NHP approximately 2 months apart. Robust CpG methylation at the PCSK9 genomic locus was observed in the first liver biopsy and was comparable to that observed in the second liver biopsy suggesting that PCSK9-EE induced stable CpG methylation in NHP livers. Conclusions We believe PCSK9-EE may offer an effective, safe, and durable approach to suppress hepatic PCSK9 expression and achieve long-lasting reduction in LDL-C. Furthermore, epigenetic editing may hold promise for one-and-done approaches for the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease without cutting, nicking, or altering the DNA sequence.