Introduction: Acute pesticide poisoning is a worldwide public health problem and it is estimated that around 300,000 deaths occur each year. Epidemiological surveys of human populations exposed to chemicals are of great importance in identifying the magnitude of health damage. Objective: The general objetive of the study was to describe the epidemiological profile of acute pesticide poisoning reported by the Pernambuco Toxicological Assistance Center (CEATOX) from 2016 to 2018. Methodology: Retrospective and exploratory research with quantitative approach; from secondary data from the Brazilian Data Poisoning System (DATATOX). Results: From 2016 to 2018, 1,062 cases of acute pesticide poisoning were reported, corresponding to 8% of general poisonings. There was a predominance of the class of clandestine raticides (48%) represented by the “chumbinho”. Insecticides accounted for 43% of the cases, 8% herbicides, fungicides and growth regulators approximately 1% each. There was a predominance of poisoning in males (53%) over females (47%). The prevalent age range was 20 to 29 years (27%), followed by 30 to 39 years (24%) and subsequently 40 to 49 years (18%). A significant percentage of suicide attempts were found, representing 73% of cases. The predominant area of occurrence was urban (79%), while 21% came from the rural area. The Metropolitan Region accounted for 59% of notifications, followed by Zona da Mata (15%), Agreste (13%), Sertao (8%) and Mesorregiao do Sao Francisco (5%). Oral exposure was prevalent, corresponding to 91%, followed by respiratory (4.2%) and dermal (3.7%). Regarding the severity of the cases, 78% had mild manifestations, evolving to cure without sequelae, 3.7% had severe manifestations and 1% evolved with sequelae. There were 113 deaths that corresponded to 10.6% of notifications. The highest lethality was observed in Clandestine Raticides (56.6%), followed by insecticides (32%), while Herbicides represented 11.5% of deaths. Conclusions: The identified profile was of oral self-poisoning by chumbinho in men from 20 to 29 years old, coming from urban area, metropolitan region, with mortality above 10%. Pesticide suicide may be related to the ease of access to these products, and it is necessary to establish strategies to control and enforce illegal trade, as well as the implementation of public policies for prevention and health promotion aiming at greater control of the problem with decreasing occurrences.
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