OXFORD.—The announcements of professors, readers, University teachers, and lecturers for Michaelmas term include the following:—A course of lectures on elementary pathology by the Regius Professor of Medicine, Dr. J. Burdon-Sanderson. A practical course of instruction in general pathology by the University lecturer, Dr. Ritchie. The Lichfield Lecturer in Clinical Surgery, Mr. W. L. Morgan, will lecture on elementary surgery. The Professor of Human Anatomy, Prof. A. Thomson, will lecture on human osteology. The Lecturer in Materia. Medica, Mr. J. E. Marsh, will give at the University Museum a practical course of organic chemistry. The Savilian Professor of Geometry, Prof. W. Esson, will lecture at Merton College, on (1) the theory of plane curves; (2) synthetic geometry. The Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Prof. H. H. Turner, will lecture at the University Observatory on elementary mathematical astronomy. Mr. H. H. Champion will conclude his lectures on lunar theory. The Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy, Rev. Bartholomew Price, will lecture at Pembroke College on optics, physical and geometrical. The Waynflete Professor of Mineralogy, Prof. H. A. Miers, will lecture at the University Museum on elementary crystallography. The Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics, Prof. E. B. Elliott, on the theory of numbers. The Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, on the Mollusca. Dr. W. B. Benham, on the flat worms; Mr. G. C. Bourne, on Von Baer's Law; and Mr. J. B. Thompson, on the morphology of the Ichthyopsida. The Professor of Experimental Philosophy, Prof. R. B. Clifton, on experimental physics. The Clarendon Laboratory will be open daily, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., for instruction in practical physics, under the superintendence of Prof. Clifton, Mr. Walker, Mr. Alsop, and Mr. Hudson. The Lecturer in Mechanics, Rev. F. J. Jervis-Smith, on elementary mechanics and the structure of simple machines. The Waynflete Professor of Chemistry, Prof. W. Odling, on elementary organic chemistry. The Aldrichian Demonstrator, Mr. W. W. Fisher, on inorganic chemistry; Mr. J. Watts, on organic chemistry; Mr. V. H. Veley, on physical chemistry; Mr. J. E. Marsh, on the history of chemical theory; Mr. J. A. Gardner, on aromatic compounds, other than benzene derivatives. The laboratory is open daily for instruction in practical chemistry from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Waynflete Professor of Physiology, Prof. F. Gotch, will give (1) a general course of physiology; (2) advanced course on muscle. There will also be courses in histology, practical histology, and elementary physiological chemistry. The Professor of Geology, Prof. W. J. Sollas, will lecture on stratigraphical and physical geology. The Sherardian Professor of Botany, Prof. S. H. Vines, will give at the Botanic Garden (1) an elementary course (with practical work); (2) an advanced course (with practical work). The Professor of Anthropology, Prof. E. B. Tylor, will lecture at the University Museum on the anthropology of social, moral, and religious institutions.
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