Introduction: Human lathyrism continues to be a public health problem in central India. While osteolathyrism, as such, is not a public health problem, neurolathyrism is of particular importance especially in central parts of India. In particularly Rewa, Satna, Sidhi, Sagar, Seoni, Hoshangabad and Chhattisgarh area of Madhya Pradesh bear the brunt of lathyrism. Ganapathy and Dwivedi (1961) carried out epidemiological study in estate of Vindhya Pradesh (now part of Madhya Pradesh). The sale of L. sativus has been banned in many states in India, but there has not been an effective ban on its cultivation. Lathyrus sativus is hardy crop and survives adverse agricultural conditions. For this reason it has become a main stay of some Indian diets, especially under famine conditions. India farmers continue to grow this pulse despite their awareness of its poisonous nature. It is difficult to provide an alternate crop that would grow under the semi-arid condition of these areas. In recent times, the problem has acquired new dimensions, which hold out possibilities of wider dissemination of the disease. It was probably true that the consumption of Lathyrus seeds had dropped during recent times, but this was probably because other crops like wheat, barley, lentils and Bengal gram had flourished. Material & Method: In order to study the recent trends of lathyrism, the same area and technique have been adopted as were follow by Ganapathy & Dwivedi (1961) and Dwivedi and Prasad (1964). Revisit to study the same area where detail epidemiological work was carried out and reported by Dwivedi & Prasad (1964). They were the following 18 village of Rewa and 10 village of Satna districts. The other part of study included the collection of information of occurrence of cases occurred during the last 10 years period i.e. case occurring from 1975 to 1982. The area of survey restricted to Rewa division to determine those factor responsible for secular variations in the prevalence of disease
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