AbstractBackgroundThe microtubule cytoskeleton is both stable and dynamic, and both states are necessary for normal neuronal function. Stable microtubules support long‐term structures like dendrites and axons, while dynamic microtubules promote synapse maintenance and are mostly composed of tyrosinated a‐tubulin, a condition that affects microtubule associated protein binding and motor protein recruitment. We have recently shown that human iPSC neurons carrying the familial AD APP London V717I mutation have impaired microtubule dynamics and significant increases in tubulin post‐translational modification (PTMs) associated with microtubule longevity. These changes result from decreased levels of the enzyme tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL), which refreshes detyrosinated tubulin to its original, tyrosinated state. In human AD brains, TTL levels also decrease, while long‐lived microtubule PTMs increase. Here, we report that by compromising normal microtubule dynamics or by reducing TTL expression alone we can drive tau phosphorylation in rodent hippocampal neurons and explore the mechanisms by which this regulation occurs.MethodHuman cortical neurons derived from iPSC lines in which the London familial APP mutation V717I was knocked into one allele of the IMR90 control using CRISPR/Cas9, were used as a cellular model of familial AD. Inhibition of microtubule dynamics was performed with taxol or through lentiviral knockdown of TTL. Microtubule dynamics were measured by confocal time‐lapse microscopy in neurons expressing EB3‐EGFP, a protein that tracks the growing plus ends of microtubules. Immunoblotting was performed to measure protein levels.ResultWe found that in addition to increased levels of p262 tau, APP London neurons possess higher levels of active AMPK, a kinase that can phosphorylate serine 262 on tau and an important regulator of tau pathology in vitro and in vivo. We also demonstrate that decreasing microtubule dynamics with taxol or TTL silencing alone is sufficient to promote tau phosphorylation and that inhibition of AMPK or knockdown of its regulatory subunit can prevent it.ConclusionThese findings demonstrate that reduced levels of TTL and loss of dynamic microtubules drive AMPK‐mediated tau phosphorylation and suggest that TTL‐dependent loss of dynamic microtubules may contribute to tau pathology in AD.
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