Background: Abelmoschus esculentus (Ae) and Benincasa hispida (Bh) are herbal plants has embarked its benefits in ayurveda medicine since history. Chemical compounds present in these two plant parts have numerous health benefits. Aim: In the present study seeds of the selected plants Ae and Bh are evaluated for its physicochemical, pharmacognostical, and analyzing fatty acid profile along with estimating important phospholipids such as Phosphatidyl Choline (PC) and Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine (PE) by HPLC-ELSD method. Methods: PC and PE are phospholipids which are the important components of cell membrane. PC and PE are involved in cell signaling, brain development, signal transduction, cell to cell communication and used for the synthesis of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. Hence, estimating PC and PE in the seeds of Ae and Bh will serve as an important data, and which will act as a source of memory enhancing components. Total lipids were extracted from the seeds using chloroform and methanol. The extracted lipids were subjected to column chromatography to estimate PC and PE. Using seed powder physicochemical and pharmacognostical values were evaluated. Results: Current study results show optimized physicochemical and pharmacognostical values. Fatty acids such as linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids make up the higher percentage. Importantly we could be able to estimate PC and PE by proposed HPLC-ELSD method, in Ae account for 24.6 % (PC) and 75.4% (PE), but unfortunately, we could not be able to estimate phospholipids in Bh by proposed method. Conclusion: The obtained results will serve as a parameter for the standardization of seeds and fixed oil obtained from seeds, with the estimation of phospholipids, which can be utilized as a potential source in the treatment of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease etc.
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