The purpose of this study was to develop a housing choice behavior program to cultivate housing value orientation among middle-school students. The importance of cultivating housing value orientation in middle school was examined by investigating the relationship between housing value orientation and housing choice behavior, following which a program was developed to cultivate housing value orientation based on various housing values. Housing choice behavior was defined as selecting the ownership type, housing type, housing size, and neighborhood environment of housing, and the program was developed in 12 sessions to understand housing values and cultivate housing value orientation through learning housing choice behavior. The features of this program were as follows. First, although housing choice behavior is not covered in middle-school home economics, the 2015 revised national curriculum and current middle-school textbooks were analyzed and developed in consideration of the level available in schools. Second, it was possible to develop a housing value orientation that encompasses various housing values, including activities used to consider such values as the basis for housing choice behavior by each sessions. Third, the program was meaningful in that it developed practical problem-solving and living independence skills through learning activities, including available sites, experience cases, and housing welfare that cannot be experienced directly or indirectly.