In this paper, we present analyses of laboratory and field data indicating that the current two-well, injection-production system, connected with multiple hydraulic fractures, is a very promising method for extracting heat from hot dry rock (HDR) systems to generate electricity. The current two-well system could be expanded to a three-well system consisting of one injection well and two symmetric producing wells connected via the central hydraulic fracture emanating from the injection well. To improve a uniform distribution of the injected fluid among all hydraulic fracture stages in the injection well, we advocate for field implementation of a newly designed well stimulation technique, the GeoThermOPTIMAL.We first present an analysis of the post-fracturing flow data obtained from an HDR geothermal injection well at the Utah FORGE Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) research field site. The site is adjacent to the Roosevelt hydrothermal (HT) field. The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of well stimulation in extracting heat from the low-permeability, hot dry granitoid rock in the Utah FORGE research site. The study includes interpreting pressure falloff data obtained during the well stimulation process and employing laboratory-measured core data as a major input in the interpretation of the field falloff data. As a confirmation of the robustness of our analysis in Utah FORGE, we reviewed and analyzed the flow test results published for an injection-production doublet at the Blue Mountain EGS (Project Red) commercial site in Nevada. From the analyses of these two field tests, we have concluded that the interpretation and findings of the Blue Mountain EGS pilot test are consistent with the interpretation and findings from the Utah FORGE field research project test results.In summary, our engineering assessments began with laboratory experiments conducted on various core samples, including those from a granite outcrop and the Utah FORGE geothermal reservoir. These experiments aimed to measure key parameters such as matrix and fracture permeabilities, and porosities (km≈10−18m2, kf,eff≈10−15m2,ϕm≈10−1,andϕf≈10−4). These data served as guides and inputs for analytical and numerical solutions used to match the field pressure response of the geothermal wells. While we did not have core samples from the Blue Mountain EGS wells, we successfully applied the Utah FORGE analysis approach to the Blue Mountain site with cautious optimism.
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