Highly elevated and well-preserved peneplains are characteristic geomorphic features of the Tibetan plateau in the northern Lhasa Terrane, north–northwest of Nam Co. The peneplains were carved in granitoids and in their metasedimentary host formations. We use multi-method geochronology (zircon U–Pb and [U–Th]/He dating and apatite fission track and [U–Th]/He dating) to constrain the post-emplacement thermal history of the granitoids and the timing and rate of final exhumation of the peneplain areas. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology of zircons yields two narrow age groups for the intrusions at around 118Ma and 85Ma, and a third group records Paleocene volcanic activity (63–58Ma) in the Nam Co area. The low-temperature thermochronometers indicate common age groups for the entire Nam Co area: zircon (U–Th)/He ages cluster around 75Ma, apatite fission track ages around 60Ma and apatite (U–Th)/He ages around 50Ma. Modelling of the thermochronological data indicates that exhumation of the basement blocks took place in latest Cretaceous to earliest Paleogene time. By Middle Eocene time the relief was already flat, documented by a thin alluvial sediment sequence covering a part of the planated area. The present-day horst and graben structure of the peneplains is a Late Cenozoic feature triggered by E–W extension of the Tibetan Plateau. The new thermochronological data precisely bracket the age of the planation to Early Eocene, i.e. between ca. 55 and 45Ma. The erosional base level can be deduced from the presence of Early Cretaceous zircon grains in Eocene strata of Bengal Basin. The sediment generated during exhumation of the Nam Co area was transported by an Early Cenozoic river system into the ocean, suggesting that planation occurred at low elevation.
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