This report reviews literature on multimodal control of eyestalk orientation in decapod crustaceans in relation to the ecological context of the species examined. A trend becomes apparent that the species rely on the various sensory cues with different weight according to their habitat, predominant mode of locomotion, and physical properties of the body. Four hypotheses are formulated that emphasize these trends with the aim of provoking new work on the comparative aspect and adaptive variability of sensory systems as guided by ecological constraints, and of gaining by this a deeper understanding of biological information processing. Eye stabilization in space usually means stabilization in the rotational degrees of freedom (recently discussed in Hengstenberg et al., 1986, and Nalbach and Nalbach, 1987). Without stabilization of eyes in space during walking, the retinal image would be blurred, its signal to noise ratio would decrease, discrimination between objects and background would be impaired, and image flow would be composed of angular velocity vectors of combined translational and rotational origin obscuring motion parallax. Without compensation for tilt of body or substrate, the coordinate system of the eye would be misaligned relative to the external reference. With stabilization, these difficulties are overcome in a comparatively simple mechanical way, and much neural computation to interpret the visual image is circumvented. In many groups of visually active animals, the eyes, or at least the head which carries the eyes, is mobile relative to the body which carries the locomotory organs. During voluntary movements, the body usually is subjected to rotatory and translatory oscillations, although there may be some examples of animals using gaits that prevent oscillations of the body. In general, however, the eyes have to be rotated against the body to stabilize the retinal image. Control of body posture may help in this task during involuntary disturbances of equilibrium. Every available cue is used for gaze stabilization (Sch6ne, 1984). Mechanical senses involved include statoliths and vestibular apparatus in vertebrates, cephalopods, and crabs, halteres in flies, mesenterial receptors, leg proprioceptors in walking animals, etc. Visual cues that are known to be exploited include the dorsoventral gradient of brightness, horizontal or vertical contours, and the movement of structures in large parts of the visual field. In addition to these open and closed loop sensorimotor systems, during voluntary movements efferent control may also serve stabilization of gaze (Dijkgraaf, 1956b, c). During evolution of the decapod crustaceans, stabilization of the eyestalks and equilibrium reactions became more and more refined (Neil, 1982, 1985; Sandeman, 1977, 1983). Although inviting for study, only few attempts exist to relate the different designs of neural control systems to the ecological situation of the species. With this in mind, the present report reviews the literature on multimodal control of eye stabilization in decapod crustaceans in relation to the ecological context of the species examined. Emphasis is placed on the notion that one has to distinguish species according to whether they primarily live in visually well or poorly defined environments, on solid or soft ground, whether they walk or swim, and whether they are highly mobile, sluggish, or sessile. Depending on life-style and habitat, different sensory cues for postural control and eye stabilization are likely to be exploited. Besides these, we have to keep in mind that there may be further ecological constraints and restrictions imposed by evolutionary history on the sensory mechanisms developed by the species. The aim of such an approach is to recognize the sensory systems as matched filters (Wehner, 1987) and in this way to gain a deeper understanding of biological information processing. The presentation of the data is divided
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