The maximum tensile supporting force requirement and the distribution of the same in a system of nails with respect to depth to maintain the stability of vertical nailed cut subjected to seismic loading has been studied along with critical failure surface inclination. The modified pseudo-dynamic approach in the framework of limit equilibrium technique was employed. Novel closed-form solutions have been produced to predict nail forces, vertical and horizontal inertial forces distribution, which can serve as essential inputs in analysis and design of nailed vertical cuts. Based on the calculus approach, a novel procedure was introduced to obtain peak individual nail force demands. Influence of input parameters pertaining to soil, geometry of cut, seismic excitation was investigated. Higher nail force demand and larger failure wedge were predicted for smaller damping ratios, higher horizontal base acceleration amplitudes, lower shear strength parameters and at resonant frequencies. The ratio of height of slope to wavelength of S-wave proved to be a critical parameter and it predicted the maximum nail forces mobilizing the most substantial failure wedge at a value of 0.25 for a chosen range of parameters.
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