LetG be a connected Lie group which sits in its universal complexification GC. If g denotes the Lie algebra of G and W ⊆ g is a non-empty open Ad(G)-invariant convex cone containing no affine lines, then a complex Ol’shanskii semigroup is defined by S = G exp(iW ) ⊆ GC. One knows that S is an open subsemigroup ofGC with holomorphic multiplication, and moreover S is invariant under the antiholomorphic involution g → g∗ = g−1, where g indicates complex conjugation in GC. In particular, (S, ∗) is an involutive semigroup. If H is a Hilbert space and B(H) denotes the bounded operators on it, then a holomorphic representation (π,H) of S is a holomorphic semigroup homomorphism π:S → B(H)with total image andwhich satisfies π(s∗) = π(s)∗ for all s ∈ S. A mapping α:S → [0,∞[ satisfying α(s∗) = α(s) and α(st) ≤ α(s)α(t) for all s, t ∈ S is called an absolute value of S. We call a holomorphic representation α-bounded for some absolute value α if ‖π(s)‖ ≤ α(s) holds for s ∈ S. The α-bounded holomorphic representations of S can be modelled via a certain C∗-algebra C∗ h(S, α) (cf. Definition I.3, Lemma II.6), i.e., there is a natural correspondence between α-bounded holomorphic representations of S and non-degenerate representations of C∗ h(S, α). An important result of K.-H. Neeb asserts that these C∗-algebras C∗ h(S, α) are CCR (cf. [Ne99, Ch. XI]). If we denote by Ŝα the set of equivalence classes of irreducible α-bounded representations of S, we therefore obtain a bijection
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