Abstract It is well known that the linear stability of Lagrangian elliptic equilateral triangle homographic solutions in the classical planar three-body problem depends on the mass parameter β = 27(m1m2 + m2m3 + m3m1)/(m1 + m2 + m3)2 ∈ [0, 9] and the eccentricity ℯ ∈ [0, 1). We are not aware of any existing analytical method which relates the linear stability of these solutions to these two parameters directly in the full rectangle [0, 9] × [0, 1), besides perturbation methods for ℯ > 0 small enough, blow-up techniques for e sufficiently close to 1, and numerical studies. In the recent paper [5], X. Hu, S. Sun and the author introduced a new rigorous analytical method to study the linear stability of these solutions in terms of the two parameters in the full (β, ℯ) range [0, 9] × [0, 1) via the ω-index theory of symplectic paths for ω belonging to the unit circle of the complex plane, and the theory of linear operators. This is an expository article on [5]. In Section 1 of this paper we give a brief review on the history of this stability problem, and describe recent results obtained in [5]. Then in Section 2, after reviewing the ω-index theory in [15], the ω-index decreasing property of the elliptic Lagragian solutions in β for fixed ℯ ∈ [0, 1) proved in [5] is introduced, then the existence of three curves located from left to right in the parameter rectangle [0, 9] × [0, 1) is explained. Among these three curves, two are precisely the −1 degeneracy curves and the third one is the left boundary curve of the hyperbolic subregion in [0, 9] × [0, 1). Then in Section 3, it is explained why the linear stability pattern of such an elliptic Lagrangian solution qβ,ℯ changes if and only if the parameter (β, ℯ) passes through one of these three curves. Some open problems on related topics are suggested at the end of this paper.