The persistence properties of a set of random walkers obeying the A+B--> Ø reaction, with equal initial density of particles and homogeneous initial conditions, is studied using two definitions of persistence. The probability P(t) that an annihilation process has not occurred at a given site has the asymptotic form P(t) approximately const+t(-straight theta), where straight theta is the persistence exponent (type I persistence). We argue that, for a density of particles rho>>1, this nontrivial exponent is identical to that governing the persistence properties of the one-dimensional diffusion equation, partial differential(t)straight phi= partial differential(xx)straight phi, where straight theta approximately 0.1207 [S. N. Majumdar, C. Sire, A. J. Bray, and S. J. Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2867 (1996)]. In the case of an initial low density, rho(0)<<1, we find straight theta approximately 1/4 asymptotically. The probability that a site remains unvisited by any random walker (type II persistence) is also investigated and found to decay with a stretched exponential form, P(t) approximately exp(-constxrho(1/2)(0)t(1/4)), provided rho(0)<<1. A heuristic argument for this behavior, based on an exactly solvable toy model, is presented.