Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of dispersed reinforced fine-grained concrete, based on modified fly ash-cement binders, containing at least 55% by weight of fly ash. The use of the developed binder will allow the utilization of waste from the fuel and energy industry in the composition of fine-grained concrete, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will reduce emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by reducing the consumption of OPC clinker in the composition of binders. In the course of the research, the positive effect of the complex modification of the fly ash-cement composition with sulfate and carbonate additives was proven, and the phase composition of new formations of artificial stone was studied. It was found that during the simultaneous modification of the fly ash-cement composition, the synthesis of strength is ensured due to the formation of hydration products in the early stages of hardening of ettringite and its analogues with a carbonate and iron component. The operational and technological properties of the developed binders and concrete based on them were studied. In the process of studying the atmospheric resistance of the developed compositions based on modified binders, a stable increase in strength by 13...15% was established after 350 cycles of alternating wetting and drying of fine-grained concrete samples, which indicates the continuation of the processes of structure formation in artificial stone and allows predicting high operational properties of developed materials. It was found that the developed fine-grained concretes based on modified ash-containing binders are distinguished by a denser and more homogeneous structure of artificial stone, as evidenced by a decrease in the abrasion indicators of concretes based on modified systems by 50% and by 54.8% for dispersion-reinforced concrete compared to additive-free compositions, respectively. The durability of the developed concrete compositions was studied by studying their kinetics of strength gain, wear, frost, atmospheric and corrosion resistance. It was established that the introduction of a sulfate-carbonate additive to the composition of fly ash-cement systems contributes to a more uniform set of strength of concrete at all stages of hardening. The increase in strength of modified concrete samples is: at the age of 7 days – 105.88%, at the age of 28 days – 141.17% and at the age of 90 days – 117.53%, the value of compressive strength is 8.05, respectively MPa, 24.6 MPa and 33.5 MPa
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