본 연구는 건강취약계층의 건강관리를 위하여 실시되고 있는 방문건강관리을 담당하고 있는 간호사를 대상으로 직무스트레스 및 직무만족도가 조직애착도에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 실시하였다. 조사대상자는 일개 도의 방문건강관리 간호사로 130명의 조사결과를 최종적으로 활용하였다. 단순분석결과에서 직무 스트레스 영역 중 직무 불안정에 해당하는 점수가 69.7점으로 가장 높았으며 다음으로 직무 요구가 64.9점으로 높았다. 직무만족도 및 조직애착도는 각각 2.6점과 2.3점이었다. 직무만족도를 매개변수로 하여 조직애착도에 미치는 직무 스트레스의 관련성을 분석한 결과 직무요구와 직무 불안정은 직무 만족도가 부분 매개하였으며 나머지 스트레스 영역은 직무 만족도가 직무스트레스와 조직애착도간의 관련성을 완전매개하고 있었다. 이상의 결과로 보아, 방문건강관리 간호사들의 조직애착도를 높이기 위해서는 직무 요구도 파악과 직무에 대한 불안정감을 해소하는 것이 우선 실시되어야 할 것이다. Objectives: This research was done to identify relationships among job stress, fatigue, job satisfaction, and commitment to organization in customized home health care nurses. Methods: Research participants were 130 nurses who worked in the customized home health care of 20 county in Gyeongnam province. Data collection for this descriptive correlational study was done at August 2010 using self report questionnaires, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and we analyzed a four step approach in which several regression analyses were conducted and significance of the coefficients is examined at each step. Results: The results from step 1 showed that, the effect of each job stress was significantly related to job satisfaction. In step 2, the direct effect of commitment to organization on job satisfactions were all significant too. Step 3 analysis showed that the total effect of each job stress on commitment to organization symptoms was significant. Step 4 showed the results of controlling for mediating factor (job satisfaction): job demand and insecurity were significantly associated with commitment to organization(p<0.001), the finding supports that others were fully mediated by each job satisfaction, and, the job demand and insecurity were partially mediated by job satisfaction. Conclusion: Results of this research indicated that job stress in customized home health care nurses was the principal variable affecting job satisfaction and commitment to organization. Appropriate stress management strategies based on assessment of job demand and job security for these nurses lead to development of improved commitment to organization.
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