We study general properties of holomorphic isometric embeddings of complex unit balls $\mathbb B^n$ into bounded symmetric domains of rank $\ge 2$. In the first part, we study holomorphic isometries from $(\mathbb B^n,kg_{\mathbb B^n})$ to $(\Omega,g_\Omega)$ with non-minimal isometric constants $k$ for any irreducible bounded symmetric domain $\Omega$ of rank $\ge 2$, where $g_D$ denotes the canonical K\"ahler-Einstein metric on any irreducible bounded symmetric domain $D$ normalized so that minimal disks of $D$ are of constant Gaussian curvature $-2$. In particular, results concerning the upper bound of the dimension of isometrically embedded $\mathbb B^n$ in $\Omega$ and the structure of the images of such holomorphic isometries were obtained. In the second part, we study holomorphic isometries from $(\mathbb B^n,g_{\mathbb B^n})$ to $(\Omega,g_\Omega)$ for any irreducible bounded symmetric domains $\Omega\Subset \mathbb C^N$ of rank equal to $2$ with $2N>N'+1$, where $N'$ is an integer such that $\iota:X_c\hookrightarrow \mathbb P^{N'}$ is the minimal embedding (i.e., the first canonical embedding) of the compact dual Hermitian symmetric space $X_c$ of $\Omega$. We completely classify images of all holomorphic isometries from $(\mathbb B^n,g_{\mathbb B^n})$ to $(\Omega,g_\Omega)$ for $1\le n \le n_0(\Omega)$, where $n_0(\Omega):=2N-N'>1$. In particular, for $1\le n \le n_0(\Omega)-1$ we prove that any holomorphic isometry from $(\mathbb B^n,g_{\mathbb B^n})$ to $(\Omega,g_\Omega)$ extends to some holomorphic isometry from $(\mathbb B^{n_0(\Omega)},g_{\mathbb B^{n_0(\Omega)}})$ to $(\Omega,g_\Omega)$.
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