Culture is one of the determinants of the definition of human beings, which is the accumulation of knowledge, experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, rankings, roles, visions, opinions and behavioral patterns between generations and groups. Animals will exhibit characteristic group behavior, but still lack of culture. Research on dehumanization and mind perception distinguished the differences between machine or animal and human beings on perception of lay person. Normally, agency and experience served as the basic human characteristics in human mind perception, and lack of culture is one of the sub-characteristic of agency, which means culture is one of the determinants on perception of human beings. As a psychological construct, culture has usually been explained by cultural differences. In culture psychology, there are three cultural differences, which are value view (collectivism vs. individualism), self-view (interdependent self vs. independent self), and cognition view (holism vs. analytic). In collective cultures, human beings binds as tight groups, they emphasize group value and binding and also put the benefit of group in front of self even if self-sacrificing is needed, But in individual cultures, self has the priority, also the agency and freedom of oneself is strongly emphasized no matter what group value is. The interdependent self-view holds that, the definition of oneself is highly related to significant others, such as parents, friends, colleagues, and relatives, etc.; but the independent self-view holds that, self is independent of all other social networking nodes, it is only oneself can represent himself. Holistic cognitive style is a kind of cognitive pattern to perceive the external world, one use holistic style may see the world as dialectical, contradictory, holistic, and forever changing; but one use analytical cognitive style may see the world as linear, non-contradictory, separate, and stable. Usually Chinese culture tend to be more collectivism, interdependent self-view, and holistic cognition; but Western cultures inclined to more individualism, independent self, and analytic cognition. All the cultural differences came from geographical environments, mode of production and life, and evolutional process. Agriculture and farming pattern makes people get together and share the fruits of labor, which foster the group binding and makes them tend to more collective, interdependent, and holistic. Nomadism and trading pattern shows high mobility of everyday life, which foster the individualism and makes people tend to more independent and analytic. But the essential part of culture deeply rooted in social learning capability of human beings. The social learning process is also the underlying mechanism of cultural evolution. The high fidelity of imitating, cultural differences of social learning and the neural restoring and representation will be further discussed.
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