In China and Russia in recent years, the history of Russian emigration has attracted increased interest from many scholars. The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize publications about the fate of Russian emigrants in China, posted on the site “Zhiwang” (中国知 网, The analysis of information on this topic made it possible to identify the degree of interest of Chinese scientists in the study of intellectual and cultural heritage. The authors draw attention to the scientific and educational activities of educational organizations (Harbin Normal University, Heilongjiang University, Qiqihar University, Heihe University, East China Normal University, etc.) and scientific foundations (State Social Science Foundation of China, Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, etc.), which provided financial support and documentation support for the ongoing research. The authors of the article used their thematic focus as the main criterion for systematizing the publications of the Chinese site “Zhiwang”. The article focuses on quantitative indicators: the number of publications of Chinese scientists on the history of Russian emigration, the publication activity of the most famous Chinese Scientists-Slavists who described the fate of Russians who ended up in China. The applied value of the description by Chinese scientists of the educational and research, professional and entrepreneurial activities of Russian emigrants is noted. The opinion of Chinese scientists is emphasized that the culture (literature, painting, music) of Russian emigrants who settled in the cities of Northern China, adapted in the cultural space of the local population, left a significant mark in the history of China. The authors come to the conclusion that the cultural and historical heritage of Russian emigrants can currently be used not only to preserve national and spiritual values, but also to strengthen cultural interaction between China and Russia.