Abstract: Every day, we see many people who are facing illnesses as deaf, dumb and blind etc. They face difficulties in interacting with others. Previously developed techniques were all sensors based and they didn’t give a general solution. This article explains a new technology for virtual conversations without sensors. An image processing technique called Histogram of gradient (HOG) along with an artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to train the system. The Web Camera is used to take an image of different gestures and that will be used as input to the Mat lab. The software will recognize the image and identify the core speech output to be processed using the speech replay suite. Sign language is composed of continuous gestures, therefore, for sign language recognition, in addition to spatial domain, it also needs to capture motion information across multiple consecutive video frames.This paper explains two way communications between the deaf, dumb and normal people which means the proposed system is capable of converting the sign language to text and voice.