Abstract In this article, we derive lower bounds for the number of distinct prime divisors of families of non-zero Fourier coefficients of non-CM primitive cusp forms and more generally of non-CM primitive Hilbert cusp forms. In particular, for the Ramanujan Δ-function, we show that, for any ϵ > 0 \epsilon>0 , there exist infinitely many natural numbers 𝑛 such that τ ( p n ) \tau(p^{n}) has at least 2 ( 1 - ϵ ) log n log log n 2^{(1-\epsilon)\frac{\log n}{\log\log n}} distinct prime factors for almost all primes 𝑝. This improves and refines the existing bounds. We also study lower bounds for absolute norms of radicals of non-zero Fourier coefficients of modular forms alluded to above.
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