This study examined associations between adolescents' daily negative and positive events and their coping efficacy, an understudied topic but pivotal to adolescent thriving. The sample included 153 parent-adolescent triads; adolescents' mean age, 15.71 years (SD = 1.53), 51% girls. Parents were in their midlife (Mage mother = 47.82, SD = 4.90; Mage father = 50.39, SD = 5.80). The study used a daily diary methodology to test within-person links to establish a temporal order of effects. Over seven consecutive days, adolescents reported on 14 daily negative and positive events. Adolescents, mothers, and fathers reported on adolescents' daily coping efficacy. Multilevel latent profile analysis (MLPA) identified 4 day-level event profiles: "low event day" (34% of days), reflecting low levels of both positive and negative events and low coping efficacy and positive and negative mood; "positive day" (44%), reflecting dominance of intense positive events and corresponding high coping efficacy and positive mood; "mixed day," reflecting a combination of intense positive and negative events with average coping efficacy and positive mood despite high negative mood and impaired coping. Multilevel path analysis showed adolescents reported increased coping efficacy a day after increased academic load, and parents reported increased adolescent coping efficacy a day after positive parent-adolescent interactions. Fathers reported decreased adolescent coping efficacy a day after peer disappointment. Findings suggest positive events predominate in adolescents' lives, and their coping efficacy is sensitive to dynamic changes in the valence of context.
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