In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationships between changes in water retention properties and some physicochemical properties of different growth media used in seedling cultivation and tomato (Solanum lycopersicon cv.) seedling quality parameters. Growing media were prepared from eight different mixtures of peat (P), diatomite (D), zeolite (Z) and vermicompost (V). KAYRA F1 tomato variety was used for the seedling. At the end of 45 days of incubation, the water retention characteristics of medias were determined at different matric potential (0, -2, -4, -5, -8, -10, -33 and -1500 kPa). The highest available water capacity was realized in M1 (100% peat) and the highest saturation value was realized in M5 (70% peat + 15% zeolite + 15% vermicompost). Nutrient content and chemical and physical properties of the media were important for tomato seedling yield and quality parameters. Especially the increase in the ratio of vermicompost with a high EC value in the mixture caused a decrease in the germination rate. In the mixtures with a vermicompost ratio not exceeding 15%, significant improvement was achieved in seedling quality parameters. The best medium for tomato seedling yield and the quality parameters were obtained in M8 (70% peat + 10% zeolite + 10% diatomite + 10% vermicompost), and it was also observed that favorable results may be obtained in terms of quality seedling cultivation in M6 (70% peat + 15% diatomite + 15% vermicompost), M5 (70% peat + 15% zeolite + 15% vermicompost) and M4 (80% peat + 20% vermicompost) mediums.
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