Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are widely used in automatic circuits. It can amplify, filter, sum, integrate and differentiate the voltage, current and power, and it is one of the indispensable key components in modern electronic technology. The paper, through a method of literature review, explores the working principle and usage of operational amplifiers. Initially, the paper introduces the basic concepts and principles of operational amplifiers, laying a theoretical foundation for subsequent analysis. Then, it meticulously analyzes typical applications of operational amplifiers in analog circuit design, including basic amplification circuits, filters, and signal processing circuits. The paper further explores the pivotal role of operational amplifiers in digital circuits, with a focus on the design of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion circuits. In the section on automatic control circuit design, the paper discusses feedback control systems, the design of PID controllers, and stability analysis. Finally, the paper looks forward to innovative applications of operational amplifiers in modern circuit design, such as power management, high-speed signal amplification, and low-power design. This research aims to provide practical design ideas and references for engineering designers to enhance the automation and intelligence of circuit design.
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