This study utilizes high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) reanalysis data (0.25° × 0.25°) to investigate the relationship between SST anomalies in the South China Sea and ENSO events. The main findings are as follows: First, there is a delayed correlation between ENSO and SST anomalies in the South China Sea, with the correlation being stronger during El Niño years than during La Niña years. Second, the correlation with the peak values of the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) is strongest for El Niño events with a 9-month lead, while for La Niña events, it is strongest with a 2-month lead. Seasonally, during El Niño events, the strongest correlations are observed in summer with a 3-month lead and in winter with a 1-month lag. For La Niña events, the strongest correlations are seen in summer with an 8-month lag and in winter with a 9-month lag. Finally, an analysis of atmospheric anomalies and shear kinetic energy anomalies relative to SST anomalies reveals a significant seasonal SST response, particularly during the summer of El Niño years and the winter of La Niña years. Overall, these results enhance our understanding of ENSO’s influence on the South China Sea and provide valuable insights for climate prediction and ecosystem protection in the region.
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