According to the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics in Mexico (INEGI, 2010) about 800,000 people over 5 years of age are Mayan speakers in Yucatán, where 538,355 are reported.
 According to Pineda, cited by Krotz (2008), Valladolid is one of the municipalities in the state with the largest number of Mayan speakers.
 Since the 2004 curriculum, the Intercultural Bilingual Primary Education Bachelor's Degree (LEPIB in Spanish), serves this population since our students carry out their teaching practices and provide their professional services with children from the municipality, approximately 50% of whom are Mayan speakers in their entirety.
 Since 2005, the "Juan de Dios Rodríguez Heredia" Higher Normal School has been responsible for teaching the LEPIB, being this school the only one in the state with this degree.
 Due to the characteristics of the incoming students, most of whom do not speak the Mayan language, several actions have been implemented for the teaching of this language in correspondence with the graduate profile of the 2012 curriculum.
 The reform of the 2012 curriculum includes bilingual intercultural teaching competencies, which emphasizes the acquisition of linguistic skills of the native language, in this case, the Mayan language.
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