Treponemapallidum (Tp) is responsible for invading reproductive organs and the skin in early stages, and involves almost all organs/systems at advanced stages. In the present study, screening of the dominant epitope fragment of the Tp outer membrane protein, Tp0821, was performed and the prokaryotic expression vector pQE32/Tp0821 was constructed. The denaturation and dialysis of rTp0821 were achieved through ultrasound, inclusion body washing and dissolution. Experiments in purified rTp0821‑immune New Zealand rabbits indicated that the recombinant proteins were of high immunogenicity, and the irritation led a marked humoral immune response in the New Zealand rabbits. Western blot analysis showed that the purified recombinant proteins reacted with the Tp‑positive infected serum, confirming the high level of immunoreactivity. The delayed type hypersensitivity of rTp0821 recombinant proteins was positive, indicating that rTp0821 induced a specific cell immune response and was selected as a Tp vaccine candidate protein. The findings of the present study provided novel evidence, which provided information for further investigations on the pathogenic mechanism of Tp and the development of diagnostic reagents.
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