This paper investigates the influence of the ion channel noise, that is one of important internal neuronal noise sources, on the response of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in different stimulus regimes. Our results show that, in the case of dc current introduction into neuron dynamics, neuronal firings in excitable neuron emerge with growing firing rate due to increasing ion channel noise. Despite such a relationship between firing rate and channel noise, emergent behaviour is still spontaneous and irregular. However, neuronal firings in spiking neuron skip or terminate due to intermediate level of channel noise. This is known as inverse stochastic resonance phenomenon. We show that firing behaviour of such a spiking neuron is, interestingly, highly irregular around the revealed noise levels and this continues towards higher noise intensities. On the other hand, we examine the influence of channel noise on the neuronal response to a periodic signal primarily with subthreshold amplitude. We show that signal frequency has a significant effect on the response sensitivity related to channel noise intensity whereas, compared to dc current input, firing probability and regularity show a close relationship due to increasing noise. Finally, neuronal behaviour due to ion channel noise in the case of suprathreshold periodic forcing is analysed. Up to a certain level of channel noise, it does not seriously affect number of firings which has a nonlinear relationship with increasing signal frequencies. It is also possible to see inverse stochastic resonance effect at the high frequency regions with the help of relatively high noise. Another interesting finding is that channel noise does not affect the regularity at certain frequencies, yielding the presence of irregular response region at suprathreshold periodic inputs.
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