The purpose of my talk is to present an overview of the PHENIX experiment (Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction experiment) at RHIC. Physics issues related to the quark-gluon plasma, in particular, in relation to this experiment, are listed in Table 1. Two important aspects exist for the quark-gluon plasma. One is “deconfinement”, which is closely related to the Debye screening of the QCD potential. The basic mechanism of J/$ suppression is that, if the J/1c, ra d ius is longer than the screening length, then cz would not be able to find a bound state due to a Debye suppression of the long-range term of the CC potential and, thus, J/+ production is suppressed’). The degree of suppression depends strongly on the relative size difference between the meson radius and the screening length. Since r($‘) = 0.51 fm > r(J/$) = 0.25 fm > r(T) = 0.13 fm, we expect that 4’ must melt first, then J/$, and finally T. A stronger suppression of $J’ than Jill, reported by NA38 at this conference2) is, therefore, very impressive, and this result compels us to study these vector mesons systematically at RHIC. We plan to measure J/?c, in the mid-rapidity region by dielectrons, and J/+, +’ and ‘I at forward angles by dimuons. The other important element is “chiral symmetry restoration”. Because the mass of the d-meson is close to twice the kaon mass, and because both 4 and K could be distorted in the quark-gluon plasma, it was predicted3) that a change would occur in: (a) the branching ratio between leptonic and hadronic channels, (b) the mass of the 4, and (c) the width of the 4. Here, high-resolution &spectroscopy is required to study these points. We plan to measure &mesons by both electron and hadron channels. Thermal radiation of a hot gas has been a very topical subject for many years4). There was a confusing period, at least to me, in which it was debated whether or not the radiation was enhanced or suppressed when the phase transition occurred. Recently, a consensus among theorists seems to be that the gluon content is high at an early stage of the quark-gluon plasma and an enhancement must be expected in the region of mr (or, pT for photons) greater th an 2-3 GeV’). We plan to investigate this topic using the photon measurement. The nature of the phase transition is a very interesting point to study. If the phase transition is first-order, then, an entropy jump would be expected at Tc, because internal degrees of freedom of the constituents increase by a factor of about 12 from the pionic gas to the quark-gluon gas. If one plots T as a function of the energy density (E) of the system, the value of T increases with & in the phase of a pionic gas until it reaches Tc. The system stays at this temperature, even as E increases, until a sufficient energy density
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