Mobile devices and handheld systems, such as the smartphones and tablets universally extended, are becoming increasingly powerful. Their basic hardware configuration is usually state-of-the-art heterogeneous architectures consisting of multi-core processors and some kind of accelerator such as GPUs or DSPs. Specific code adapted to the architecture is mandatory if high-performance computation is required and low-level libraries and parallelism are needed, which constitutes an important barrier for the usual developer in such devices. In this context, we propose the FancyJCL framework. It provides a high-level abstraction layer that hides implementation details and allows to develop parallel programs for mobile devices. The target platform for FancyJCL is mainly Android and Java developers due to their high market penetration. A very simple, seemingly sequential encoding results in parallel efficient OpenCL code. FancyJCL is itself based on the Fancier framework, which enables optimal memory management across memory spaces on unified memory systems. Benchmarks of FancyJCL code developed for a wide range of image processing algorithms show good performance with low development effort.