The chemical-toxicological characteristics and sanitary-bacteriological condition of the marine environment of the Kerch strait and the foreshore of the Black sea are presented. The districts of cape Chauda, Kyz-Aul, Οpuk, v. Chernοmοrskοe. In the above areas, the most toxic metals were determined - mercury, arsenic, copper, lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, chlοrοorganic compounds. The concentrations of the studied heavy metals in the marine water in the οsnοoutside did not exceed the MPC for fisheries in the fishery. The exception was made by the districts of cape Οpuk, Kyz-Aul, Chauda, where excesses of MPC concentrations of mercury, chromium and copper were found. Comparative analysis of the obtained results showed that the least polluted with heavy metals are the bottom οsols in the area of c. Οpuk, to a greater extent the districts of c. Chauda and Kyz-Aul. The data were analyzed and a comparative analysis of long-term comprehensive sanitary and microbiological studies of the marine environment in the areas of mussel plantations with indicators of other water areas of the Kerch Strait was carried out. Data on soil contamination with heterotrophic microflora on the seabed under mussel collectors are given. Based on the studies of the chemical-toxicological and sanitary-microbiological condition of the marine environment, conclusions were drawn about the possibility of industrial cultivation of mollusks in the waters of the Kerch Strait and the foreshore of the Black Sea.
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