This article examines the interface design of otome games, focusing on how it reflects eroticism, heteropessimism, as well as the emergence of social media-driven design workshops in gaming for Asian women. Against the backdrop of heteropessimism—disillusionment with heteronormative relationships—the study uses Light and Night, a Chinese otome game, as a case study to explore these dynamics. Through digital ethnography and interviews with 58 players (32 from Light and Night), the research reveals that interface elements—such as graphics, audio, and operational sex-play on mobile devices—create immersive experiences catering to women’s erotic needs despite state censorship. Furthermore, social media platforms act as transgressive “design workshops,” where feedback from women gamers directly shapes game updates, reflecting both commercialized and censored forms of eroticism. This study underscores the overlooked role of female players in shaping the production and consumption of games in contemporary China, offering critical insights into the complexities of eroticism in game design.
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