The aim of this paper, thy schiff bases 1, 3, 4- Thaidiazol organic Compounds with high pharm. acological efficacy, wich play akay important vole in the tratment of urinary track infections, as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, analgesic, pain relief treatment of diabetics, attiveral, and anti-concer in this research, Vanillen has been used as abioimportant precursor. the Vanillen together, thiosimicarbizid is reated in the Presonce of ethanol to yield the substituted thiesimicarbazid compounds which are used in the preparation of several heterogeneous ving compounds include substituents (1,3,4-thiad; Zol-2-yl) thiesimcarbazide reacts with Sodium acetate in the presence of a lithium steak and the substituted thiosimi carbazide Compounds are also Irapped 4 (5-amino-1; 3; 4- thiadizol-2-yl) 2-methox phenol substituted by its reaction with phosphors Penta Sulfide- the vehicles prepared were diagnosed by the physical and spectral by IR methods of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (H-NMR)