Case history A 38 year old married Caucasian presented to our department with a two week history of an itchy vesicular penile eruption. At the onset there had been itchiness and erythema followed by oedema and blistering of the prepuce, developing over a 24-hour period. The blisters ruptured leaving superficial ulcers (fig 1). A clinical diagnosis ofherpes was made and swabs from the lesions were sent for herpes simplex virus (HSV) culture. The HSV culture was negative and his initial symptoms improved without any specific treatment, within two weeks. His genital signs and symptoms recurred three times during the next twelve months, before he developed similar lesions over his right shoulder, elbows and sacrum. At this stage the possibility of vesiculo-bullous skin lesions including dermatitis herpetiformis was considered and further investigations were undertaken.