Abstract Detecting alterations in the electrical response of human biofluids can provide valuable information in the early stages on pathological conditions in a patient. Developing techniques for obtaining rapid information on the electrical resistivity of common ionic biofluids by non-invasive techniques can improve medicare through a rapid and more precise diagnosis. In this work, we analyze the use of an electrical device consisting of a cell formed of flat parallel steel plates to measure the resistivity of these substances. When the electrical cell is filled with a biofluid an electrical double layer (EDL) is formed on the electrodes/biofluid interface. Then, we measure the electrical response and examine the general conditions under which the EDL does not interfere with the assesment of the biofluid’s resistivity. The electrical response is analyzed in terms of an equivalent circuit model. Also, a simplified theoretical model of a suspension of biological cells considering spherical particles with a membrane is discussed to validate measurements and theoretically exhibit the contribution of the cell’s membrane to the effective resistivity. We present measurements of the resistance of the electrical cell filled with electrolyte solutions, blood plasma, and diluted suspensions of erythrocytes in a hypotonic solution. Results show that the resistance of the electrical cell is sensitive to the volume density of biological cells suspended between the parallel plate electrodes, producing a signal with a high signal to noise ratio. From the measured resistance of a suspension of erythrocytes in a isotoinc solution and the simplified theoretical model, we estimate the value of the conductivity of the interior of the erythrocytes. The results show that measured resistance varies with blood samples and hemolysis progression. The device's sensitivity to the number of erythrocytes passing between the electrodes makes it useful for measuring sedimentation kinetics.
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